Description of sketch 10

I shot this sketch while crossing the federation square where I saw this man standing in the middle of the square with sign boards of ”NO RACISM”. through this sketch i wanted to link reflection with the society. there are many problems and discrimination specially in the Australian community. This gesture of rebelling against any social issue and specially racism is reflection of the hard times people from other countries suffer in a different nation. there are times, when one thinks of going out of his/her country in search for something which lacks in their native country, but end up getting hatred and immense discrimination.

This practice should be stopped as soon as possible.

Description of sketch 9

This sketch is different from all others. It shows Indian culture through its most important aspects, which are traditional dance forms. These dance forms reflect Indian customs, traditions and cultural heritage. From going from the start to end, I have added the 5 major classical dance forms namely, Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, Mohiniattyam, Odissi and Kathak respectively. All these art forms have their own specific meaning, which makes them reflect the Indian folklore.

The dance style and the postures of each and every dance form in India is adopted by the carnations on the temples from the historical times. For example, Odissi dance’s movements, gestures and postures are developed from the carved sculptures on the sun temple, in Orissa (a state of India).

Description of sketch 8

In this sketch, I have linked reflection with the emotion. There are times when we can get what we want. Moreover, in such perilous time, it’s our emotions and expressions, which express what’s happening in our mind and heart. In this sketch, the person can’t get the love of his life, and he is pondering of what his life would be if he had his love lady.

Since she is not present there and he can’t contact her, it’s not the words but his tears reflect the commotion in his head. We all suffer hard times in our lifestyle but the best part of the whole situation is dealing with it. We all have a saturation point beyond which, neither words nor symbols work, it’s the language of emotion, which commands the whole body and you have to get with the flow.  Its his expressions and the tears which reflect what is going in his mind and soul.

pim sketch 8 from Anurit Patwardhan on Vimeo.

Description of Sketch 7

This is a very interesting sketch where in again I have linked reflection with people and their surroundings. This video is very special since it reflects the struggle of the human kind. I have linked reflection with societies struggle. This reflects how by different means, humans earn money to take out their living. When you don’t have anything, you have your talent.

We live in such a sacred place where we don’t have to come out of our comfort zone and do crazy things publically to earn our living. This sketch shows how by working hard some people make money for their 2 meals of the day.

But in a contrast it adds a magic to the city Melbourne. If you go out in the streets of the city on a typical Friday or a Saturday night, you are most possible to be standing and watching some of this street talent, which we never get to see in our normal life. It makes Melbourne more happening and enticing.

Description of sketch 6

This sketch was made while sitting in the story, genre and medium’s intensive lecture. By this piece of video, I want to show how reflection as an affordance has different meaning to it. Here, the professor who is teaching very enthusiastically in class is a reflection of KNOWLEDGE.

The knowledge is not just within her, she plies to express it and spread willingly to all possible people she could manage to. This is the charm od knowledge. Until and unless you don’t share it, its of no use.

Another major thing that I observed in this sketch is the essence of communication. This shows that, when properly communicated, you can reach many minds and hearts and direct them towards a better future.

Description of Sketch 5

This is an abstract sketch, which shows the story of a girl, who was set apart from her original mother at the time of her birth. She gets to know the truth when she grows up and is in a dilemma whether to tell her mother about her being alive or not. It is reflection of how at some point of time in a human’s life he/she has to make tough decisions, which may affect many people’s life in their surroundings. How one’s decision can have an effect on so many people around. Later in sketch the girl finally decides that she wont tell this to her mother and carry on living the life without changing it.

The sketch was made by moving the camera of the mobile phone on a laptop screen and reflects the uncertainty in the characters life. The sketch shows the reflection of mother daughter love and separation.

Description of Sketch 4

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and we all have fortunately received it. No matter how busy we are in our lives, friendship Is one key thing which never lets you forget the importance of people in your world. Friendship is a reflection of the bond we share with some special people around us.

I was sitting in the postindustrial media’s tutorial, thinking of different ideas for my sketches and came up with this amazing concept of portraying Reflection through friendship. Through this sketch, I have connected my affordance, Reflection, with the human kind. I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for the handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. This sketch reflects the attachment and connection of me and my friends with whom I have spent my most amazing days.

For making this sketch, I collected all possible photographs with which I can cherish the moments we all spent together, for my entire life.

Description of Sketch 3

In the third sketch, the reflection is again linked to shadows but this time with some variety. You can see people walking on the roads without realizing what effect do they have on their surroundings. They do not realize the shadow following them in the deepest insights of their bodies. Shadows can be perfectly defined as the reflections of their own self in front of the world. they can manipulate their behavior and act as a total different personality. during the middle of the sketch, I have added a symbolic shot when, the couple walking on the road steps, on the puddle and the whole illusion is shattered. This is exactly what a deep dark reflection of your body can do. It can either destroy or create the world besides you.

Coming to the end of the sketch, we can see the dual personalities of a person. We human beings never show what we are from inside. We want the mankind to always see the best part of us, no matter how dark and deep we are inside.

The videos were shot somewhere on the la trobe street, sound- Fatal Attraction, from Ladies vs Ricky Bahl.


Description of Sketch 1

While making this piece of art, i was reminded of the great poem by Goethe called, Song Of The Water:

The soul of the man

It is like Water:

It comes from Heaven

It mounts to heaven,

and earthwards again


Eternally changing.

Water being one of the most important elements, is also a key factor of reflection. It has been used in many flicks while showcasing the characters, soul, mind and body to the audience.

What i love most about this sketch are the blinking lights (which are also trippy if you are high), that blends with the indigenous form of water and also might give a soothing effect to the eyes.

Since, it was heavily raining few moments before i shot the footage, the river was not calm enough, therefore i also added an upbeat sound such that, it gets even more trippier and interesting.

I have taken footage from the Yarra river bridge and queen’s bridge. The sketch is edited on Adobe Premiere Pro CS5. The sound is taken from the movie, Go, Goa, Gone, named- Slowly, Slowly.

Thank You.

Description of Sketch 2

Shadows are one of the key parameters of Reflection. They symbolize Reflection in a very peculiar way. Shadows also correctly defines who you are within your own self. Abraham Lincoln quotes, ‘Character is like a tree and reputation is like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, the tree is the real thing’.

What I personally feel is, shadows have both negative and positive aspects related to it. If you see the beautiful part, you will see a structure always with you in the ups and downs of your life, protecting you from the difficult surroundings. In a contrast, shadows also depict the dark souls inside your body which follows you wherever you go and you certainly cant get rid of it. Its like 2 different souls in 1 body, of which one comes from deep inside your own body. In addition to that, (in a positive way though) for shadows to come, you need a streak of light and brightness on you.

This is how i project shadows in my life.

I shot his video on the river side, late night. Hand modelling is done by myself. Edited on Adobe Premiere Pro and sound by Vimeo Sounds.

Vimeo Video Link-

Thank you.