Task 2: Digital Narrative Idea!

“Spinning Dates”

– By Anurit Patwardhan


Genre- Urban fantasy, Experimental non fiction


This real life nonfiction, ‘Spinning Dates’ is based on the journey of  2 protagonists, Luis and Shailly, who go online through various dating applications and websites finding their life partners. This journey could be put into conflict when they end up meeting different types of people also wanting to find a true match for themselves. This experience may or may not end the way they want it to be, but definitely will help them realise how difficult it is to find true love in this real world and how people face the challenges while exploring and dedicating their lives to the social media.

The focus of this short documentary will be to investigate the global facts of online dating where they claim that 61% of the adults have declared online dating to be easier and more beneficial way to meet people. (Datingsitesreviews.com, 2016). The key reason behind obtaining 2 protagonists, a male and a female, also tests the frequency of responses for the 2 sexes.

User Interactive-

The audience will be able to access this project through youtube links, vimeo links and also the website. The website will play a very pivotal role as it will have the marketing blurb of the project and also the facts and figures of online dating. It will have some research work (if available) regarding the online dating applications and websites. The audience can simply go to the website, which will directly open the link to the video and they can also read about it in the resources tab. The website will also have a small form to fill regarding their thoughts on online dating.


This nonfiction is earmarked is to be sized around 7-9 minutes. Making a short doco does reduce the volume of filming but also challenges to bring out the best in those 7 minutes. It provides crisp and edge-of-the-seat entertainment.


This nonfiction is based on social networking and online dating. Hence, the best platform to present it would be on the social networking sites like Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube. This documentary also targets the millennials (18-30 years old) which are best accessed through the social media websites. It is an experiment to capture the real life experiences hence, the best way to market it would be using same footage to create trailers, marketing blurbs and it’s own online website.


Why I chose this idea of Online dating for my documentary is because of my research on this topic. There have been a few documentaries which show the vast industry of Online Dating. CNBC took out a television show called Love at first byte, where the presenter reveals the life of the online daters and how successful they are in such type of dating (CNBC, 2016).

Maximum facts which will be covered in the story will be adapted by the online site- www.datingsitesreviews.com. They claim many such facts like, majorly the most attractive men approach maximum women, online; about 57% women and 21% men, experience mental and physical harassment through online dating; about 48% males and 27% females got approached by fake profiles online also 25% single males and females turn a one-night hookup into relationships (Datingsitesreviews.com, 2016).

HBO also came up with a web series about online dating called- When Strangers Clicked, where they showcase 5 different stories of couples who met each other via some or the other online dating websites (HBO, 2016).

Story World and Aesthetics-

This nonfiction strives to reveal the real-life experiences of Luis and Shailly where they will meet different people, share dates and try to find the special one in their life. The setting of the whole film will have late night outdoor restaurant scenes with candle light dinners, soft ambient music and some urban romance. Starting off with introducing the protagonists and their backgrounds, them going online finding matches, going on dinners and lunches and followed by protagonist’s interviews and their date’s interviews where they will share their experiences. This nonfiction will be of the present time constituting of one week in the summer 2017 (since, we will produce it next year), references will be made about the current affairs and the production design, costumes and sets will be accordingly set.


  1. Datingsitesreviews.com. (2016). Online Dating Statistics & Facts – Dating Sites Reviews. [online] Available at: http://www.datingsitesreviews.com/staticpages/index.php?page=Online-Dating-Industry-Facts-Statistics [Accessed 2016].

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