Prompt-5 A scene

Taxi Driver

Martin Charles Scorsese, the american director, has always been known for his extra-ordinary production designs and creative projects. One such project was Taxi driver, 1967. This movie was a big success in the film industry and was known for its quality anarchic sensibility and some simple, yet amazing camera direction, giving it worth a watch for all interested in neo-noir films.

The Scene talks perfection in all possible ways. When you combine actors like De Niro, Jodie Foster, Harvey Keitel, etc with powerful writing of Paul Schrader, camera brilliance of Michael Chapman and of course Martin Scorsese, you are bound to receive a never ageing film called Taxi Driver. This is a simple introductory conversation scene between the protagonist and his lady, majorly filmed in the interiors of a working place, with simple yet classic cinematography, usual commotion background score and powerful dialogues.


The shots in the scene are very simple and grammatically perfect. For example, the scene starts with mid-close up shot of De Niro, cut-to tracking shot of him walking in the workplace. When he is walking towards the other 2 characters, Point of view shot is used so as to properly show the expressions with respect to the protagonist.

Character’s conversation is set up in a mainstream Over the shoulder shot, and also sometimes Dirty over the shoulder is used.

My favorite shots were those master shots, where the third person was trying to overhear the conversation by either walking by their sides or by peeping from the pillar.  


As we all know sound plays a key role in boosting up the whole scene, be it music, voice quality, foley or background score. When De Niro is walking inside the workplace, his footsteps add more gravity to the scene. No background music is used until he leaves the workplace. During conversation, the natural commotion is used which gives a real feel of the surroundings.


Robert De Niro and Cybill Shepherd as Travise and Betsy, did a phenomenal job in the scene. Robert’s amazing expressions when trying to flirt with a lady, asking her to go out with him and of course, Cybill playing hard to get is a stunning combination.  


Just like the camera shots, the editing is kept very simple yet classic. Simple cuts like, hard cut, some L and J cuts where, the one who is listening is shown than the one who is speaking, to capture the audio and expressions of the reaction. Cut on action is used when he opens the door. The most exciting this is that the camera is never kept stationary. Even when in conversation (when not a OTS), there are continous zoom in and zoom out.

Prompt-4 Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts-

Adobe Premiere Pro, is one of the finest and toughest yet most used editing software specially in the television industry.

There are many shortcuts available that makes editing, in this specific software, easy. It saves the time of finding functions on the window and makes it easy to edit and quick. I already knew many shortcuts before hand but there is always something new to learn every time I go through shortcuts written on my tutors blog.

Some of them are,

  • Command+D for Video transition- This is one of the most important shortcuts I have learned recently, which saves a lot of time. Before i knew this one, I used to go to the Project window – Effects – Video effects – Video transitions, and then select the required transition. But this shortcut makes the whole process small and quick and directly links me to the video transition.

  • Shift+Command+D for Audio transition- This shortcut is very similar to the video transition except it provides the audio effects and transitions.

  • Option+delete for Ripple delete- This keyboard shortcut allows ripple delete function directly apply wherever we want to, instead of right clicking the mouse where the selection is made and then pressing ripple delete.

  • Shift+Command+/ for Duplicate- There are times when you want to duplicate either a bin, sequence, or a selected audio even a video on the timeline. Instead of copying and pasting it on the desired location, you can just use this command and do it quickly.

Prompt-3 Crew roles

A drama or any digital production is successful only when the team knows what task as an individual they have to perform and most importantly, how to work as a team. As i ought to be a Production manager, I found the papers-  Crew roles and Developing crew roles very helpful.

A unit production manager works directly under the producer or the executive producer and helps in managing the day-to-day activities of production business. UPM ensures from finalizing the cast to channelise optimum money disbursement during all three stages of a digital production.

The multi-tasking quality of a unit production manager is something that excites me. The key to success whilst being the UPM is to be organised in the best possible way. UPM is the one who deals with all the levels of the hierarchy of the working structure. Some of his major working abilities are-

  • He gets along with the executive producer, synchronizes, facilitates and supervises the working of the production unit.
  • Prepares the entire budget.
  • Breaks down the script, day-wise, with the assistant director.
  • Prepares logistic plans for the equipments, cast and every unit of the production business.
  • Works closely with the legal authorities and manages all the lawful permissions and other activities.



One crew role that excites me is the continuity stills photographer. He ensures continuity reference to each shot during the production day, by taking stills at the shot’s beginning and at the end.  This is very important because if later a part of the scene has to be changed or later due to any circumstances any changes are to be made, then these stills can be used to maintain continuity in shots. He is supposed to take a picture before the director commands “action” and just after the director commands, “cut”. Not just for the shots, the continuity stills photographer also takes stills of the creative sets, costumes, props etc.

Prompt-2 Goals and desires

A goal is described as overarching principles that guide decision making. And identifying perfect decisions for career, is my topmost desire for this semester. I always aspired to be a production manager or a line producer and this course- Sound and Image, is designed in a such a way that an individual can access all 3 phases of a media production.


To be a successful producer, one should have knowledge about everything, from setting locations, casts, to handling camera, lights, and even editing and marketing.

In this flexible and ever-changing world of media, I focus to determine all aspects of film-making.

The course, Contemporary media practices, has given me a fair chance to work as a  producer and a production manager in a student project based media production. Having this opportunity in hand, I can explore the on-ground practical experience and diagnose best results.

Apart from aspiring to be a successful producer, my passion and hobby lies in video and photo editing. I started learning adobe premiere pro, 2 years ago and currently have good command over it. In this semester, I also have to start with photoshop, illustrator and after effects, as they all go hand in hand.

With Sound and Image and Contemporary media practices, so as to put the cherry on the cake, I have chosen Illusion of life, as my elective such that i can also have perfect hands on animation.

To sum up, in the end of the semester I will have-

  • Handful of new skills and expertise in a few already explored.
  • A short fiction movie, produced by me.
  • A good working group of friends, and
  • A powerful portfolio to look forward.